No stirrup November: challenge yourself and your friends at the barn

We almost forgot about it, but it’s November and that can only mean one thing: NO STIRRUPS. Although you might hate to ride without them (believe us, we’re guilty as well), it for sure helps you to improve your balance and leg position. In the beginning it might be difficult to ride without stirrups, but it will for sure help you on the long term.

Therefore, we will give you a challenge each week so you and your friends at the barn in can get through this month without hurting yourself and the back of your horse. Ready? Set Go!

During the first week, it is important that you don’t start with riding without stirrups for an entire training. Since you’re probably not used to riding without them, it’s better to start with an interval training. You can start with riding five minutes without stirrups on the first day, then five minutes with stirrups, … Once you feel confident enough, you can go for longer and longer as the month goes.

This is our challenge for this week: start with five minutes without stirrups and see how far you get!