The sunny season is in full swing and how much we love the singing birds, and the warm heat on our backs, it is very important to protect our beloved horses from the sun! Because not only we can get sunburned, but also the horses. To be fully prepared for the upcoming sunny hacks and rides outside, we listed some tips and tricks for you to protect your horse from the sun.
Use sunscreen
Apply sunscreen on any white or pink markings on your horse. Use a high SPF sunscreen and remember you should apply it regularly for complete coverage. A lot of the sunscreens for kids are safe to use on the horses and mostly have a high SPF web.
Coat protection
Using coat protection to shield your horse from bugs is an absolute must. Consider applying fly sprays or coat conditioners that include UV protectants and spay them on a regular basis. Beware of using vaseline on the horse when the sun rays are hitting hard. This can lead to an extra danger of sunburning.
Look for the shade
Try to manage your horse’s time in the sun and make sure there are spots in the shade available. To fully protect them from the sun and bugs, you can consider using a sun protection fly rug and a face mask with UV protection for the ultimate protection against harsh sunshine. When you want to saddle up and go for a ride, try to find a time in the day when the sun is the lowest. For example early in the morning or late in the evenings.
Treat the sunburn
If your horse still gets a sunburn you want to treat it right away! Apply a soothing ointment with for example aloe in it. Then put a thick layer of sunscreen over the ointment to minimize further injury to the burned spot.
Last but not least
Make sure your horse has access to lots of fresh water because hydration helps heal damaged skin. If your horse does get a sunburn and none of the above can treat the burn, please contact your vet for further medical assistance!
As much as we need Vitamin D, so do our horses. They need the sunlight but they need it in just the right amount. Prevention is the best and healthiest way to manage sun damage!
Source: Equnews
Photo by Elijah Hail on Unsplash