What attributes do you believe a successful show jumper needs?
For me, patience is a big one, and then just believing what you’re doing is the right thing and making the best plan for you. It’s very easy to see what other people are doing and change things around all the time, but having trust in yourself and your horse is a huge thing. Having a strong mind is also a big part of it mannligapotek.com. You can have all the ability, but if you’re not mentally tough enough to cope with it all, it certainly makes things harder.
How important is the team behind you?
So important. I’m a huge believer in everyone knowing their roles – I’m the rider, the groom’s the groom, the vet’s the vet, the farrier’s the farrier, and so on. I really admire each and every person I work with because everyone is so good at what they do, and they’re each able to come together at the same time.
What does the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping mean to you?
It means everything. Just being here at one of the Majors is indescribable. The four Majors combined create the most prestigious series there is to win. Being able to be a part of just one of them is amazing, and I hope to get the opportunity again – I’d love to be part of all the Rolex Grands Prix, if I could. It’s just a very cleverly thought out idea, and I’d say most people would agree with me on that.
If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items would you take with you?
I would take my horse, Porky, as I like hanging out with him. I’d have to take my phone. And a saddle so I could ride Porky!
source/ Rolex