Ten things you need to know before buying your child a pony

Your child has been whining for a pony for years and you are about to give in to his/her bamboozled eyes. It would be good to get some responsibility and have something for your child to look after. But are you well prepared? We lists ten things you should know before buying your child’s first pony.

  1. You should have this conversation with your child before the pony comes: “Having your own pony is a big responsibility! You must know that I am not going to do anything to help. You have to muck out the stall and brush it yourself!” You probably already know that’s a lie, right?
  2. With that in mind, get used to the fact that your colleagues will often sniff and wonder where that ‘smell’ is coming from, because your child overslept and you had to clean out pony’s stable before work.
  3. Ponies are expensive. If you already have a horse, you are probably familiar with living on bread and cheese for a week to pay that expensive vet bill. If you don’t have a horse yet… prepare yourself for a little shock. You may think you’ve got everything covered, from horseshoes to insurance, but always make sure you have a pot for emergencies.
  4. Also, get used to the fact that you will be a taxi driver. Your life will consist of picking up and dropping off your child at stables and competitions. You’ll be sitting still a lot in between, so invest in a good thermos flask.
  5. If you don’t have a trailer, your child will insist that you buy one. How else will he get to the competitions ? You’ll start looking at renting a trailer and when you need it and come to the conclusion that it’s cheaper if you just buy one. See point 3: ponies are expensive.
  6. You will get to know the unique breed called the Pony Club Mother לדוח המלא. Maybe you will become one yourself. Whether it is cheering on the sidelines, discussing lost points with the judges or embarrassing your child by crying with happiness when he comes third in the egg spoon race, your life revolves around the Pony Club. And secretly you love it!
  7. Your child is bound to fall off one day. Maybe a lot. And you have to stay calm about it. If you prefer to wrap your child in bubble wrap, don’t buy a pony.
  8. Your house will be overflowing with horse stuff. Bridles on the coat rack, muddy boots in the kitchen and stinky socks all over the bathroom. If you have a cream-coloured carpet, it’s best to change it for a wooden floor now.
  9. When your daughter turns fourteen, the posters of Valegro on her wall will be replaced by pictures of Harry from One Direction and she will be cranky and hormonal. She may become less interested in her pony and more interested in the boy next door with his skateboard. Don’t panic. We all go through that phase and the pony will win out in the end. Just hang in there a little longer.
  10. You have started something that you can still stop now. You can still go back! You may think that it is only a one-metre Shetlander, but your child will grow out of that so you will need a bigger pony before you know it. And if you are patient, there is a chance that he will become an eventer and you will have to buy a German-bred top horse worth 20,000 euros. Maybe you should just buy a whole collection of My Little Ponies.


Source: Horse & Hound