The best of both worlds: Mojito pancakes with mango and gingerbread

Bring home the summer with these mojito pancakes with mango and gingerbread. Belgian foodie Stephanie Bex is the mastermind behind this exotic recipe in which she includes all the ingredients needed for a mojito. Find her recipes on our website every week.

Without further ado… Let’s get started!


What do you need? (for 2 servings) 

For the pancakes:

100 gr flour
300 ml milk
1 egg
Butter to bake in
For the toppings

2 slices of gingerbread with fruit
1/2 mango
2 tbsp rum
2 tbsp cane sugar
1 lime
A few mint leaves


  • Put the gingerbread slices in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutesLet them cool down
  • Mix them into a crumble
  • Peel the mango and cut it into segments
  • Heat the sugar and the rum in a small saucepan over the stove
  • When the mixture is caramelised golden brown, add the mango pieces
  • Let it simmer for two minutes and then turn off the heat
  • For the pancake batter, mix the flour, eggs and milk
  • Melt a knob of butter in a pan and spoon 1/4 of the batter into it
  • Fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown
  • Repeat with the rest of the batter until you have four pancakes
  • Arrange two pancakes on a plate
  • Spoon a few slices of mango on top
  • Sprinkle with the gingerbread crumble and lime zest
  • Finish off with a wedge of lime and some mint leaves

