What to do now to look after your horse during the current restrictions

The Corona crisis is restricting us to spend a lot of time with our beloved horses. We understand that many owners will be very worried about how to care for their horse, especially if you keep him or her away from home. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Attending to the basic needs of your horse should be considered as ‘essential’ – but you still need to undertake this whilst complying with the latest government guidance fr-libido.com.
  • You should focus solely on giving your horse maintenance care.  If at all possible, you should rough your horse off and put them out to grass.  With spring having arrived, the days are longer and warmer (and hopefully will remain drier) so your horse should be able to cope well with this change.
  • Our strong advice would be for you not to ride your horse during this period – and to as quickly as possible taper your horse’s exercise so that, where possible, they can be turned out to grass.
  • Visit your horse only once per day.  However if your horse is kept on a livery yard, do try to arrange with the others on the yard for one person to check on several/all horses in one visit, meaning that you do not need to go to the yard every day.  This will be easier if your horse is out at grass.

Photo: Ma-Elle Store / © Vitaminalia